Tommy Walker - I Give Thanks Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: I Give Thanks
  • Album: Overflow
  • Artist: Tommy Walker
  • Released On: 03 Nov 2009
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Tommy Walker I Give Thanks

I Give Thanks Lyrics

For the first morning light, for the birds when they fly
For the clouds when they hang up so high in the sky
For Your glory I see in a sweet baby's smile
I give thanks

For those times when I've laughed with my family and friends
For the times when I've cried, sensed Your spirit again
For Your love that I find when Your praises I send
I give thanks, I give thanks

For my clothes and my bed, a roof over my head
And a piping hot meal when our table is set
For a walk on the beach where Your beauty is seen
I give thanks

For the sound of the saints when they all join in
And proclaim You are God, the forgiver of sin
For this hope in my heart that forever I'm Yours
I give thanks, I give thanks

I give thanks to You, I give thanks oh Lord
For everything You give, for everything I have
I give thanks to You, I give thanks oh Lord
For all these perfect gifts, they have come from You
So I give thanks

For this breath that I breathe, for my eyes that can see
Beaming sunsets and stars, mountains, valleys and trees
For the years that You've shown only kindness to me
I give thanks

For the stripes that you bore so that I could be healed
For the crown that you wore, so that I could be free
For Your blood that You shed, given freely for me
I give thanks, I give thanks

I give thanks, I give thanks
I give thanks, I give thanks

"I Give Thanks" (Lyric Video) | Tommy Walker

I Give Thanks Lyrics -  Tommy Walker

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